Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society (UK) Implement Single-Step BREEDPLAN
The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society have become the next breed society in the UK to incorporate genomic (DNA) information into their BREEDPLAN genetic evaluation, using a method known as Single-Step.
Dr. Brad Crook, BREEDPLAN Manager Genetics Research & Development, says that members of the Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society have invested considerably in the collection of high density SNP genotypes for registered cattle in recent years. “The implementation of Single-Step BREEDPLAN for the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society realises this by providing society members with greater returns on their investment in genotyping’ says Brad.
To find out more about Single-Step BREEDPLAN please click here BREEDPLAN - Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society Implement Single-Step BREEDPLAN (une.edu.au)